We serve the underprivileged, especially in rural and remote areas, and make their stories and needs known.

A Yao man in his traditional costume

Children in their traditional minority costumes

We express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation and unwavering support especially in this challenging environment!

Go2Serve Foundation holds the status of a registered charity in Hong Kong SAR (Reference no. 91/10371). For your kind donation of HK$100 or more, a receipt will be provided for Hong Kong tax deduction purposes. There are three convenient ways to make your contribution:

  1. Direct Deposit: You can transfer your donation to our Hang Seng Bank account 024 (Swift Code: HASEHKHH), account number 228-272704-883. After the transaction, please send your bank receipt to go2servefoundation@ymail.com for our records. You can also fax it to +852-2479-8767.

  2. Donation by Cheque: Kindly write your donation cheque to "Go2Serve Foundation Ltd" and mail it to GPO Box 4262, Hong Kong. Please include a memo note specifying how you wish your donation to be designated.

  3. PayPal: You can also donate using your PayPal cash or credit card in either HK$ or US$. On the PayPal page, you'll find dropdown lists to designate your donation to specific funds such as Orphanage Support, Admin Support, Tribal/minority group service, or the General donation fund.

Once again, thank you for your incredible support in empowering us to continue our mission and make a meaningful impact on the lives of those we serve. Your contribution is deeply appreciated and will help us further our endeavors in bringing positive change to the communities in need.

Donation Designation HK$
Donation Designation US$